Some of the wonderful folks in our Sunday School class at church have organized a time of intercessory prayer for us and for Clara around the time of her birth. For 24 hours, beginning at midnight on March 23, there are 30 minute slots for folks to sign up to commit to praying for Clara. This is just another of the many ways we have been humbled and overwhelmed by the expressions of love others have shown us. With March 23 just ten days away (!!!!), I wanted to be sure to share the link here, so those of you who may not have been aware, but would like to sign up for a time, can do so.
If this is something that you feel called to participate in, please visit the sign up here.
If the link doesn't work, copy and paste this address:
Again, we cannot say enough how much we have been encouraged and sustained by the prayers and love you have all covered us in the past few months. With Clara's birthday rapidly approaching we ask you now, more than ever, to continue praying for her. We remain hopeful and optimistic that she will have a speedy recovery and come home with us soon. We believe that your prayers truly matter.
More to come....
Intercessory Prayer:
ReplyDeleteFor everyone who is out of town or not available to get to the church during this time PLEASE STILL SIGN UP FOR A TIME.
We will then know that the time has been addressed so that we will have full coverage during the day.
Thank you all so much for participating in this blessed event!
God bless.