March 15, 2011

Crossing Fingers, Crossing Legs...

I think that most women get to Week 38 of pregnancy and are so ready to be done with it all that they start trying the laundry list of ways to get the baby out: taking walks, eating spicy food, foot massages, drinking vinegar, going bowling, herbal teas, cleaning the house, acupressure, castor oil, eating pineapple, and whatever else the wives’ tales suggest.   Although I am eager and ready to Clara to be here, I’m now in the twilight zone of wanting her to stay precisely where she is for eight more days.  My doctor, whom I love and who has cared for us so well during this pregnancy, is on call right now until noon tomorrow and then not again until our scheduled induction next Wednesday.  So, I would really like for Clara to promise to stay put until then.  Not only are we wanting to avoid me going into labor on my own, for the sake of scheduling and having all the right doctors on standby and ready and all that jazz, but I’d really really really like Kerri Scherer to be the one to deliver this baby.  Not to mention I have three more days of school this week that I would also like to finish with my kids before handing them off to the maternity sub.  I have an appointment tomorrow to check on progress and have recently been haunted by dreams where I’m 5cm dilated and rushed to the hospital to deliver immediately following.  Please don’t come true!  I’m torn between being encouraged by signs of some progress towards labor (Clara seems to have dropped some, my feet and hands are swelling up a bit lot, and I know that two weeks ago I was already 1cm/50% effaced, so at least there’s hope that my body recognizes we’re getting closer to the time… so sorry if that was too much information for you!) that may mean that the induction is successful and labor won’t last for too long and also not wanting things to progress too much before next Wednesday when we can control everything.  So, focus your prayers on Clara and her health once she gets here, but if you happen to think of it, you might just say a little prayer that she stays happily in the womb until next Wednesday.  I’m avoiding everything in the aforementioned list.  And in the meantime, I’ll cross my fingers and cross my legs too….


  1. Hahaha... For what it's worth, I was 3 cm/80% for the last 3 1/2 weeks of my pregnancy. :-). Love you and can't wait to meet little Clara but can definitely wait 8 more days!

  2. Done! I'm praying for you sweet Mama Chrissy. I know you are anxious, excited, frightened....all of the above. I pray for peace....deep blessed peace. And of course, for that dear baby girl to stay PUT until it's precisely the right time! ;o) Love you guys.


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