Dear Clara,
I’m sitting in your nursery now as I type this letter and imagining what it will be like soon to bring you home and put you here. In just two days we are going to get to meet you and your dad and I are so excited. We love you so much already and have been talking to you and praying for you for a long time now. I hope that when you get here that you are a Hardy girl and that you are filled with courage and physical strength for fighting the battles ahead of you. It’s not going to be an easy start to your life, but we want for you to know how much we believe in you and how desperately we want to help you survive and thrive. We’re not the only ones.
I can’t wait to tell you more someday about the hundreds or maybe thousands of people who loved you and prayed for you before you were even born. Some of these people we don’t even know, Clara. But they have been so moved by you and so touched by your story that they are already praying powerfully for you. I’m not sure if there’s ever been a little baby as well prayed for as you are. On the day of your birth, there are nearly a hundred friends who have signed up for a thirty minute slot during the day where they are committing to pray for you. For 24 hours straight, there will be prayers sent up to your Creator on your behalf. How amazing is that? There are many others who have expressed their love and promised their prayers, too. Since we starting writing about you on this blog there have been over 16,000 hits. If each one of those represents just a small fraction of the prayers being said for you, just imagine how God must feel.
We’re thankful for all these people praying for you, because we believe those prayers really matter. We’re also humbled by the volume and intensity of support and outreach that you have initiated. We’ve never felt so surrounded and supported by community as we have during the past few months. We’re excited to have these prayers for you, but even more than that we’re excited to see how God’s earthly family has come together to offer praise, thanksgiving and supplication because of you. So many people who don’t know each other are joining together in a singular effort because they all know that our Heavenly Father is the only one we can trust you with. You have really touched people’s hearts in a powerful way and you’re not even here yet! God is being glorified and people are renewing their hearts in part because of the story of a sweet baby girl. That is such a beautiful gift that you have given to them and to us without even knowing it. We’ve already learned a lot because of you and I know that you’re going to teach us even more in the years ahead. But today I just wanted to thank you for the way that you have shown us this beautiful family of God. I can’t wait for you to join it and know how loved you are.
Be strong, Clara. You are loved by Your Heavenly Father and by many, many people on this earth. And by us. We are so excited to meet you.
Chrissy and Robert,
ReplyDeleteI have followed your blog since the beginning.
It is for certain the God chose two very special parents for baby Clara. Please know I will continue to pray for all of you as you enter into the wonderful world of parenthood. It is amazing!
With much hope, faith & love,
Melissa Caruso (Elberton)