There is not much I love more in this world than a birthday party. Except perhaps a well-planned theme. A few weeks ago, we got to go to Charlotte to help Rebekah celebrate her second birthday with both! A Sesame Street birthday! Here are a few shots of all the cuteness.

The party was at an awesome park and Clara was lucky enough that Cousin Caroline came too, so she had fun with both of these sweet girls.
Here's the birthday girl!
Doesn't seem that long ago that Susie was telling me she was going to have a baby! I would never have imagined that six months after her little girl arrived I'd be lucky enough to have another little girl for her to be buddies with. What a blessing that so many of my dearest girlfriends have baby girls of their own!!! It is so so fun for me to watch this next generation getting to know and love each other.
Here's Clara loving her Elmo juice box (what a treat!) and Caroline enjoying the chocolate cake.
A couple of shots of Susie with her sweet sister...
And presents to open, of course!
And then, it was back to the playground for more fun!
Rebekah, you are a sweet and funny and smart little 2-year old and we can't wait to celebrate many more birthdays with you! (And Susie, I love you too!)
BIG or little ... we girls love a good party!!! What clever snack ideas for a cute Sesame Street theme! Clara is becoming quite the social ladyBUG :)... just like her sweet mommy!