June 20, 2023

Well Done, Good and Faithful Servant

"You were a presence full of light upon this earth

And I am a witness to your life and to it's worth."

--The Mountain Goats, "Matthew 25:21" The Life of the World to Come

This blog is technically our family's, but everybody knows it's really Chrissy's outlet. I've written a few guest posts when she was too tired or busy to get one out, but I never thought I'd be writing this post, for this reason.

Yesterday was another very crummy morning. Chrissy has always had hard-to-get veins, and an added IV in her right arm ended up having to be pulled, and her arm was swollen from shoulder to hand and very painful. But she was in good spirits for my evening visit, all things considered. I brought her an oreo milkshake, which she ate about half of (which is pretty good for how her appetite had been this week), and we sat together and enjoyed watching the first half of the Wake Forest baseball game. We laughed, talked, and cheered on the Deacs. When her eyes started to get heavy, I came over and kissed her buzzed head and we prayed together: for her arm to feel better, for good rest, and for her to continue to be spared from the nausea and mouth sores that this chemo cocktail often creates. We said our goodnights and I told her I'd see her tomorrow. It was one of the best visits I've had with her since she was admitted 3 weeks ago. 

This morning, about 4am, I was awoken by a telephone call from an unknown number. In my sleepy stupor, I didn't get to my phone in time to answer. I remember being vaguely annoyed that maybe some spam call or wrong number was waking me up at this ungodly hour. But when the same number immediately called back, I snapped out of it and realized this was something important. The voice on the other end of the line informed me that Chrissy had paged her nurse to complain of a headache, and then become unresponsive when the nurse came to check her vitals. They could not rouse her, and she was immediately taken to the Cancer Center's ICU to be intubated and to do a CT scan. The urgency in the caller's voice--coupled with the early hour--made clear the seriousness of the situation. I threw on the closest clothes I could reach and tore down I-40 to the hospital.

Chrissy's platelets were being chewed up and spit out, first by her leukemia, and then by chemotherapy as well. Extremely low platelets make for high risk of bleeding; it's the reason why she'd been bruising so easily in the week or two before she was diagnosed. This morning that risk became a reality, and the CT scan revealed she had developed a very serious brain bleed. With her platelets at rock-bottom, it was not an option for neurosurgery to go in and drain that blood; they wouldn't be able to stop bleeding from an incision. The ICU staff tried everything they could to get around this problem by pushing multiple bags of platelets as quickly as they could, but her levels were just too low. 

Some things just can't be fixed. This was one of them. 

I was informed of the situation when I arrived at the ICU, and the unbelievably caring team escorted me to Chrissy's bedside. She was still unresponsive, but her excellent nurse, Travis, told me it was possible she could still hear me, so I talked her poor ear off over the gentle, rhythmic sound of the ventilator. Soon, Chrissy's mom arrived, followed by her dad shortly thereafter. We all spent time holding her hands, talking to her, crying, and praying over her. When the time came, we left the room briefly for them to extubate her, and then returned to hold her hands, kiss her head, and sit with her for a last few sacred minutes. Chrissy left this world peacefully, surrounded by overwhelming love. And our faith leads us to believe she entered into a Love even more profound. 

This world had 42 years of Chrissy. I was fortunate enough to be able to spend 20 of those years head-over-heels in love with her. The avalanche of calls and texts and tributes we've received today is a testament to how much Chrissy packed into those years. And yet they were nowhere near enough. For all who knew and loved her, another 50 years would still be too soon. 

What a woman. What a blessing to have witnessed her life. 

I love you all of it, Chrissy. With everything I am, for as long as I live, until I see you again.



  1. There are just no words, Robert. Holding all of you in the light and praying God’s comfort holds you. ❤️

  2. Beautiful. Thank you for sharing these details and for loving Chrissy so well.

  3. Grace, love, and peace for you and all who knew Chrissy.❤️

  4. What A beautiful tribute

    I am bawling. God Bless

  5. ❤️❤️❤️

  6. Robert, I have been thinking of you and your family all day. You are a brave and strong man. Keeping you and family close to my heart.

  7. Praying for your family and all who had the privilege of knowing her ❤️

  8. I believe Chrissie would be proud of your beautiful piece here. It's pure love.

  9. ❤️❤️❤️❤️

  10. It’s after 1 AM, and I sit here reading your words, overwhelmed with sadness, but also in awe for the love that you shared. What a blessing you were for one another! I’m so so sorry for the pain that you are feeling now, and pray for your comfort, and peace beyond human understanding. Your church family is here for you, around the clock. All you need to do is ask.

  11. So very sorry! Much love and prayers for you and your family!🙏♥️🙏

  12. Robert, your honesty and transparency during such tremendous suffering is amazing and greatly appreciated, as it allows us to vicariously walk through this valley of the shadow of death alongside you. Know that all of you are deeply loved and cared for. ❤️

  13. Beautifully written! May God continue to bless you and your family with continued overwhelming courage and comfort.

  14. Robert I am holding you in my love and prayers, please know that your church and ministers are here for you and family. Chris

  15. Dear Robert, thank you for this post. It helped so much for you to explain to us what happened in such quick time. It was also a wonderful tribute to a woman that all of us are going to miss greatly. Hold onto your faith and know that you and your family will continue to be supported by all of us who loved Chrissy and who love all of you.

    Dinah McCotter

  16. I am so incredibly sorry for your loss. I do not know your family, but was moved to read this post after several friends posted on social about your incredible wife and the terrible loss her absence will have on our community.

    Please know that Chrissy continues to make an impact as her words moved me to double check my ‘Be the Match Registry’, encouraged others to register, and moved me to action and deep love by her personal and profound words on this blog. Thank you both for sharing and reminding us all what a precious gift our time here is.

    Wishing your family peace and healing as you cope with this unthinkable loss.

  17. As a fifteen year old girl far from home in a new town, Chrissy was one of the first people to reach out to me in friendship. Her whole family did, in fact. Now, 29 years later, with my own teenage daughters, I’m even more grateful than I was then. Chrissy is a light, a joy, a gifted teacher, a creative and multitalented leader. (She IS, not was, because she is more alive now than ever before.) I’ll never understand this side of heaven, but I know I’ll see her there, where all is made new. Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift. 💛

    1. Perfectly said, dear Sister.

  18. Keeping the Hardy & Davis family in my prayers 🙏🏼❤️

  19. Praying for all of your hurting hearts! I am so sorry for your loss.💕

  20. Love and prayers seem so inadequate but I pray you find comfort and peace in the days ahead. Chrissy was God’s angel on earth and now is home. Gayle.

  21. Robert…what a beautiful tribute to a lovely wife, mother, daughter, sister, and friend. Praying for you and your precious girls.
    -B Koala

  22. A beautiful testimony to a life well lived and a love shared. God bless. Linda and I are so very sorry.


  23. So beautifully said, Robert. Chrissy was one of the first people I met when I moved to Winston twelve years ago; a true light in my life. I am grateful for her hugs, laughter, humor, faith, and friendship through motherhood. This is an incomprehensible loss; I am sorry. May God’s comfort always be with you and your family.

  24. Robert, the beautiful love you and Chrissy have created is inspiring. Chrissy was and will always be a force of nature. Her power and light are clearly present in your amazing daughters. While Buddy and I are stunned and shaken, we are here, willing and eager to help in any way. All our love, Katherine and Buddy

  25. What a beautiful tribute of love. Chrissy is at peace. I now pray for peace for you and your children as you go into your next hard journey. Libby Eavenson

  26. Your writing is eloquent and heartfelt. I am so sorry for your loss and pray for the family during this time.

  27. Robert, thank you to you and Chrissy for sharing this journey with us. Your love will continue to inspire and encourage. Our hearts break for you and Clara and Eloise; we will continue to lift you up in prayer.

  28. Thank you for sharing Robert. It helps and I cannot imagine how hard this was. Chrissy and you have shared many hard posts over the years. Your strength and faith have inspired us. You too Robert are a remarkable person. As you said in your post this was an outlet for Chrissy. I hope you periodically will continue to use it as an outlet for you. For those of us who don’t know your family personally, you have been an inspiration to us over the years. It would be a blessing to hear from you in the months and years to come. May you feel the prayers of so many and know you all are loved.

  29. Growing up alongside her at Knollwood was a gift... choir, mission trips, retreats, youth group, performing Godspell... And then getting to see her in her element when visiting Knollwood as an adult... Just beautiful to see her in impact. Love from our family to yours in this heartbreaking time.

  30. Praying for the Hardy and Davis family. What a beautiful tribute Robert. I am praying for you and the girls. Kathy Tucker

  31. Nobody on Earth can imagine your grief, Robert, or the amazing faith you exemplified here in your beautifully written words eulogizing the life and essence of Chrissy Davis Hardy. She made a difference. Her life counted for good with the love she shared with everyone in her path. We remain stunned, shocked, saddened at her unbearable loss. May God hold you and your little girls close in these hard days and always.

  32. Robert, what depth of sadness & strength it was to write this. My heart aches for all of you and will miss that beautiful lady. So much love & prayers being sent. Sarah Sullivan

  33. You loved one another well and glorified God. Thanks for sharing your heart with us. We’re continuing in prayer for you and your family.

  34. Robert, Thank you for allowing us to peer into your tender last moments with Chrissy. She was such a gift to the world. We pray for you and your little family for comfort. Melanie and David W

  35. Dear Robert, thank you for sharing this. It means a lot to know what happened and to know that you were there with her. Your love and grace are awesome. I have known Chrissy for close to 40 years, ever since she was a cute little girl, bouncing through the world with those beautiful curls. She has left behind a wonderful legacy. I know she has entered eternity, but it seems that the world of nature has even been crying. As so many have said, we are all so sad and heartbroken and want to support you and the girls and Mary Ann with our love. Jodi P.

  36. Robert, thank you for the vulnerability and tremendous faith and courage you summoned to share this devastating news with all of us. Your Knollwood family is heartsick for the Hardy family and will be at your side every step of this unwanted journey of grief.
    - David & Melanie Wilkinson

  37. Thank you, Robert, Clara, Eloise, and Mary Ann for all the ways and years you shared your precious Chrissy with us at KBC. And for allowing us to share in these final days and moments. We hold you close in love and prayers. Mary & Mark Hix

  38. I read this last night and it comforted me. I love your writing and how well you shared with us. That you were able to capture your lives in wonderful words helped us all. My love and prayers for you, Clara, Eloise and Mary Ann continues.

  39. Mary Beth HendersonJune 21, 2023 at 11:48 AM

    Thank you, Hardy's, for sharing her with us. Please know of the Henderson's love for all of you.

  40. I am so sorry for your loss. I only heard wonderful things about Chrissy when I worked with Mary Ann years ago. My heart and prayers go out to you and your family.

  41. Robert, I am so sorry for you and your family. Chrissy was an absolute force of love and good in everything I ever saw her touch. Chrissy and I were friends back at Wake Forest and performed together in many a show. Before reading this post I was 100% certain she would beat that cancer just knowing her strength. I will always remember Chrissy a wonderful person and friend. May her memory be a blessing.

    1. This message was from Erin Norby, sorry I didn't add my name.

  42. My heart is breaking reading this. I'm so very sorry. Chrissy is a wonderful lady, full of grace. Heaven gained a special angel. May love and peace and good memories surround you all in the coming days.

  43. I’m quite sure there is not a husband, mother, father, or grandparent who would not be moved deeply by your beautiful tribute to Chrissy. She and my daughter have been friends since middle school. As they got older and became mothers themselves they grew even closer and their daughters became friends. I want to wrap my daughter in my arms and tell her that everything will be ok….. but we both know that Chrissy’s untimely passing will always be with us just as her smile and beautiful spirit will leave those who are grieving now better people for having known her. Thank you for your courage and for telling this last part of her story. Be gentle with yourself.

  44. Your words and love for Chrissy are so moving. I feel for your family, for you. My prayers will continue.

  45. John Taylor shared this stunning news yesterday, and I've spent the past 24 hours trying to wrap my head around your tragedy. It won't go.
    Since it won't, Nancy and I will instead wrap our hearts around it--and you and your girls--as we hold you all close and bathe you in God's Light and Love...and tears...as you hang onto each other and onto Chrissy's life and legacy of love. A legacy that will carry you forward on this dreadfully difficult journey ahead. Much love to you, Brother.

  46. I don’t know how to make sense of this tremendous loss but I do know this for sure- Chrissy’s legacy of love will continue through the many lives she changed. I’m so sorry. Always, Melissa Painter

  47. Chrissy and I met via fb with the girls CDH dx and immediately she was a breath of fresh air. We both prayed and I followed Clara so closely. So closely that I reminded Chrissy on her birthday what a breath of air really was. We both shared our girls coming off of life support and taking their first breaths on both of our birthdays. Her friendship, your family and watching her share the Sunday Sisters was something I came to love so much and couldn’t wait to see their smiles. My heart is broken for you all. But I have no doubt she is in her eternal home knowing she was loved so deeply by so many. Sending so many prayers of comfort for all of you, her friends and anyone who ever had the joy to say, I knew Chrissy. Please reach out if the girls ever want to get together as she and I had spoken of as they got older and understood just how precious they were and their meaning of life. Love you all so much although we never met.

  48. I woke up this morning praying for you and the girls. Lord, please carry this family in this grief and loss.

  49. Prayers for you and your family.🙏🏼

  50. Prayers for you and your family ♥

  51. Dear Robert, thank you so much for writing this, so we could better understand what happened. Chrissy’s death was such a shock to all of us who knew and loved her. I can’t imagine how much more of a shock it was to you, Clara, Eloise, and Mary Ann. The love you shared was so evident. You wrote about your devotion beautifully in this post. As you move forward without Chrissy’s physical presence, you will need lots of love and support from family and friends. Sending love and prayers, Judith

  52. Robert I am so sorry for your family's loss. I was heart broken when I saw the news. Your post reflects a powerful faith and trust in the Lord. It was not only a beautiful tribute to Chrissy but a wonderful confirmation of God's love and grace. Wrap your children in your arms and let God bath you with His love. Prayers for you and your family.

  53. Robert, you and I haven't seen each other in years and years and while we were never around each other enough to be truly called "friends," I always liked you. When Troy Ayers told me what you and Chrissy were going through a few days ago, I immediately stopped and prayed for you both. I'm so very sorry to hear about her passing. I will continue to keep you and your families in my prayers.

  54. Hey Robert… you don’t know me, I was a friend of Chrissy’s at Wake and close to her in campus ministry. Her sense of wit and sparkling eyes always made her special. I’ve been in shock since Brooke texted me Tuesday and grieving with your community. There are no words or understandings at this point… just know that you are never alone and May Gods peace fill you and your girls. One moment at a time… breathe in and out.
    All my prayers, Laurie Dimmock Nappier

  55. Dear Robert,
    I am heartbroken and stunned. I wish I could give you and the girls a hug and help in some practical way. Your message here was beautiful. Thank you for sharing your heart in such a vulnerable time.
    I just watched Chrissy's memorial service online. Her brother's words and Dr. Bob's words, the hymns were all perfect. There is heartbreak and comfort at the same time. I am so thankful to know you and the girls are surrounded by such a strong, supportive and loving church family.
    May the peace and love of Jesus wrap you and your precious family in comfort right now and in the coming days.
    With much love and light.
    Heidi and Rhett Travis


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