June 17, 2023

Many Hands Make Light Work

Guest post time! Robert here. Chrissy's worn out from being more productive in a hospital bed than most people are when firing on all cylinders, so you get the understudy tonight. 

But first, a brief medical update: Not too much to report today. Chrissy's about 24 hours into her second, more aggressive round of chemo. She had a pretty good morning today, but as of this evening, she's pretty tired. She's been getting woken up every 2 hours for eyedrops, and she's also started running another neutropenia fever. All the stuff we have been told to expect, but still not much fun, and very exhausting for her. 

Speaking of exhausted, let's get into tonight's post! We have a good Village, and boy do they show up for us. Today we had a dozen or so friends, mostly made up of dear friends from Knollwood Baptist Church, who volunteered their Saturday to come bake in the June sun and help us knock several BIG items off our to-do list. We weeded. We mulched. We pruned. We hauled. we replaced mailbox posts. I found a little worm snake buddy. We weeded and mulched some MORE. I can't believe how many things I was able to check off my list. Just another incredible way we are being loved on and supported by our community. Y'all are so good to us.

I meant to get Before pictures, but fate saw fit to make me spend that time trying to chase a groundhog out of our garage. (It's been a weird week). So here's some in-process pics and then some from the end of the day.

A huge thank you to everyone who helped out, and to everyone who has been offering their encouragement and love. Whenever I start to wonder how we're going to get through this, I always remember that it will be with the love and support of our people. We're truly blessed to have all of y'all.


  1. Love how you support Chrissy in every way so she can do the work she wants/needs to do - being her guest writer says it all!!! Love how your village shows up to support you, the girls, and Otis in every way so y’all can do the work y’all want/need to do!!! Together…stronger… Continued prayers and so much love for each of you!!

  2. Villages are the best!!


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