November 6, 2012

Making Happies

So we're less than a week into our winter shut down and so far we're doing remarkably well.  I have a friend who always asks me, "how are you going to make a happy today?"  I love that way of thinking about  it.  We are in control of our own happiness, every moment of every day.  Some yucky things may happen, but we get to choose how to react to those and what to do with it.  So, every day I am trying to be intentional and deliberate about making happies.  And you know what?  I am.  I am making happies and I am happy.

Here's a quick run down, with a few photos when I thought to grab my camera, or remembered a memory card, or snapped something on my phone.

Friday, November 2: Nature Walk in the woods behind our house with Wendi and Chloe.  The girls had lots of fun on the tire swing and collecting many nature treasures for their bags.

Saturday, November 3: Breakfast with our family at our favorite local diner, Annabel's birthday party (shhh! I know there were other kids, but it was outside and I used lots and lots of hand sanitizer and it was at the very beginning of quarantine.  No more!) and visiting the Rescue Mission/Alpha Acres' Corn Maze.  It's in Yadkin County (for you local folks) and includes hayrides, pumpkin patch, a cow train, corn cannon and more.  It was a wonderful afternoon spent together outside on a beautiful day.  I highly recommend as a fun fall activity (and I think they're open one more weekend if you're interested!).  Plus, the proceeds go to a great cause.

Happy Birthday, Annabel!
 Into the corn maze!


 Cow Train

Sunday, November 4: Our last Sunday at church.  Clara went to Sunday School with Sweet Mama (one class up from hers) and hung in there with the big(ger) kids singing and participating. Robert and I enjoyed being in Sunday School together for what might be the last time for awhile.  Robert was with her during the worship hour as I served communion.  We enjoyed lunch with Sweet Mama and Big Daddy, and came home and all napped hard.  Glorious.

Monday, November 5:  Clara and I enjoyed making a collage of the treasures she found on the Nature Walk Friday.  We talked a lot about God's creation and fall and read tons of books.  In the afternoon, we went for a walk at Tanglewood, stopped to watch the horses for awhile and even met one horse, named Candy (Clara loved that), who was out with her owner.

Tuesday, November 6: Election Day.  Robert and I took Clara to the polls for her first presidential election.  She was excited to say, "vote! vote! vote!" and when asked who she voted for, her response was, "Big Daddy."  In the afternoon we did some more crafts and had a big dance party in the living room.

November's Bucket List: Updated

Take a nature walk and collect things we find
Rake leaves and jump in them
Visit the horses at Tanglewood
Go to the zoo
Fingerpaint (for the first time!)
Make turkey handprints
Do leaf rubbings
Read Leaf Man and make leaf people
Play in the rice table
Make a list of things we’re thankful for
Read books about Thanksgiving
Visit GA for Thanksgiving (and use lots of hand sanitizer)
Take Mama Wore That photos
Go for walks/jogs
Bake together (perhaps in honor of National Cake Day, November 26)
Read Stone Soup and make veggie soup together

How are you making a happy today?

1 comment:

  1. I agree, that attitude IS the key! Thanks for reminding us. My dad used to send us off by saying, "MAKE A GOOD DAY!" I think Miss Clara will assure you of many!!!!!


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