As a deacon in our church, one of the things I signed up to do was take communion and serve it to members who are home-bound and cannot join us for worship at Knollwood any more. I was supposed to go visit Dewey and Virginia Hobbs several weeks ago for World Communion Sunday, but had not found a good time to do it, and then all this happened. My mom and I finally went to go see them today. We shared the story of our last two weeks with these dear, dear people and they listened with compassion and understanding that comes from having lived 85 years and seen and experienced their own share of heartache and pain. Dewey is an ordained minister himself and has faithfully served many many people in his years of ministry and service. It seemed backwards for me to the be one serving him communion. So, when it came time for us to take The Lord's Supper, he's the one who blessed the broken body of Christ and the blood shed for us before the four of us shared in an intimate communion together. They're both wise enough to not have had any platitudes or empty promises to give us. Instead, before we left Dewey simply prayed this prayer, "May God hold you in the hollow of His hand."
What a beautiful image, not just for us but for all of God's children. And Baby Girl Hardy.
Today was very special...