It was a monumental task, but I believe that notes have been written to the literally hundreds of people who have reached out to us the past six months in love, meals, gifts and other tangible ways. But I'll be honest, it's been a crazy ride and there were some weeks when packages stayed on the kitchen table unopened for several days and it's altogether possible, likely even, that something didn't get written down correctly. So, if you were among those who were so generous to us and you didn't get a handwritten note, I offer my deepest apologies (my mama did raise me right!) and most of all, sincere gratitude. We've learned better how to care for others in crisis because of how well you all loved us. For each and every meal, adorable outfit, hairbow, picture frame, baby booty and financial gift, we truly thank you. We are so blessed.
I didn't allow myself to send announcements 'til the notes were written, so they went out a little late. For those of you who follow us digitally and perhaps didn't receive a hard copy, here's Clara's birth announcement - unique because we will always celebrate June 9 with just as much joy and thanksgiving as the day of her actual birth.
(And in case you didn't flip it over, there's a back!)
Thanks again. We've experienced the joy and love of community and are filled with gratitude for all you've done.
Thank you once again for sharing all of these moments with us from the very beginning. You have taught me and hopefully many others how to share their stories with others and how it builds community by the telling of our stories. Love to each of you and your entire family.
ReplyDeleteAnd thank YOU for sharing a fairy tale come true! May God continue to bless your special family.