May 28, 2011

Breaking Free

We had hoped to say goodbye to her nasal cannulas and the little bit of flow she was getting from them yesterday, but a desating "incident" Thursday night meant we had to wait one more day.  

This morning, we finally took them out.  Here's our sweet girl, breathing completely totally and all the way on her own, with no support whatsoever.  How we have prayed for this day!

We are slowly breaking free from the wires, tubes, and cords that are attached to her.  All that is left now is her NG feeding tube and we'll be able to go home...

Isn't it great to see these sweet cheeks with a little less tape?

We took many more photos today, but I'm tired, and so is Clara.  Here's a yawn to prove it.  More to come tomorrow...


  1. Yeah!!! Continuing to pray that God will keep his healing hands up Clara Mae...we are also praying for Penelope...Love, Mary Ann

  2. I do love that baby! Keep getting strong, sweet Clara...

  3. Heaven is bursting wide open! You GO, Clara Mae and BREATHE, sweet baby. Your world is so ready to greet you and home is but a few breaths away!

  4. Loving the tape free pictures... she just gets more beautiful each and every day. Good work guys.. and goodnight! xoxo

  5. Yeah Clara! You are a miracle and will be sleeping in your own bed very soon!

    She is beautiful!

  6. So very excited for all of you, especially Clara! I know she was ready to free of those nagging tubes! We have continued to pray for all of you and will continue to pray. So thankful for all the progress she has made. Praying that you'll all be home very, very soon!
    Much love,
    Amy Diamondidis

  7. Love this baby. She is just precious with or without tubes. So glad she's on her own lung power. Prayers continue.

    Mary Nell

  8. She's so precious! Glad to see her looking so much better. She's come a long way. Praying!

  9. Glory to God for working so wonderfully in Clara´s life!!!

  10. Aaaaawwwwww! The sweet smell of fresh air! Thank you God for your continued miraculous work in Clara!! She is truly a testament to your powers of healing and restoration. We lift up Penelope to you Lord and ask that you hold her in your loving arms, heal her little body as you have Clara's and comfort her parents through this scary time. We give you, honor, praise and ALL the glory!


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