At least for now...
We'll pray she eats like a Hardy...
And continues to gain weight this week.
So that tube won't have to go back in!
And we can continue to admire those precious little cheeks...
And perfect little smile.
Grow, Clara, grow!

So, the doctor today was - once again - surprised by how well Clara has done. She said something like, "I don't usually see babies who are doing this well... I'm not quite sure what to say." But we're giving it another shot! I'll breastfeed exclusively for the next eight days and when she goes back to the pediatrician next Thursday if her weight gain has been adequate, we'll be able to stay free of the NG tube. The only downside of this is that we're back to trying to get that nasty pulmonary hypertension medication in her orally (three times a day - ick!). So any of you out there who are still reading, please pray hard this week that Clara continues to eat well and gain weight....especially during the night when we'll have to wake up sleepyhead and try to make her eat. I'm a little anxious about this, but oh so hopeful. To me, this feels like the last big hurdle before I can take a deep breath and relax a bit. Eat, Clara. Grow, Clara. And take your medicine!!
That is so exciting!! That was so fast. You go, Clara. Love you guys, Sarah
ReplyDeleteDon't you know she feels so free, being rid of that awful tube in her nose! She is absolutely beautiful. I am so happy Clara is home with her Mother and Daddy. Thank you so much for sending pictures and information about her progress.
ReplyDeletePraying, believing and CLAIMING in the Powerful NAME OF JESUS. Release and relax and let God do His "thang"!!!!! Thrilled to read this wonderful update and see such a delightful BEAUTY!!! Keep on keeping on......and keep us all posted along the way!!!!
ReplyDeleteClara has a beautiful wardrobe. I vote her the best dressed baby. She looks like a princess.
ReplyDeleteLove the updates and all the smiley pictures! Praying Clara keeps gaining weight and takes her medicine!
ReplyDeleteWow -- that was unexpected, wasn't it? I am so excited for you both! We will pray for that baby to take her medicine and grow, grow, grow! Keep surprising those doctors, Clara. It's no surprise, however, that you are a star pupil with a mama who is such a good teacher!
ReplyDeleteWe continue to pray for her and we LOVE the updates. My family will pray for her to eat, grow, and take her medicine. Please continue to post updates and pictures, because we are ALL still following.
ReplyDeleteGo Clara Go!!!! Chrissy, you are doing a great job!
Eat Clara, Eat! So proud of you baby girl!
ReplyDeletePraying on, Chrissy and Robert! Grow, Clara, grow!
ReplyDeleteAmy (McAvoy) Diamondidis
She is so cute! Keep up the good work Clara!
ReplyDeleteJodi Moore
She is making such excellent progress and there is every reason to believe she will amaze the doctors again with eating and growing without a tube!! Chrissy, I continue to pray for your stamina and the tasks before you...yucky meds and all! You and Robert are my heroes!!
ReplyDeletep.s. Clara is not only the cutest baby, but the best dressed too-love the hairbows.
will continue to pray that she eats like a Hardy!!! love, mp
ReplyDeleteStill reading? Are you kidding? Checking for updates before morning prayer time has become a great habit! We continue to pray (with or without the updates) and love seeing those beautiful pictures! Feel your pain on the oral meds--it's never an easy thing, but a much welcomed challenge! Grow, Clara, grow!
ReplyDeleteI am praying that things keep going so well! She is the most adorable baby I have ever seen! She has come such a long way. It just makes me smile when I see how healthy and happy she looks now!
ReplyDeleteSweet cheeks to be sure! Clara looks so beautiful AND well! Miracles continue to unfold each day...I know this hurdle will be no exception.
ReplyDeletePrayers and blessings!
I imagine that ALL of your prayer warriors are still checking in to see these adorable pictures of a little girl that has won all our hearts. Never fear ... we are ALWAYS here and always praying for OUR girl!!!!
ReplyDeleteI say "ditto" to what the last Anonymous said! :)
ReplyDeleteGreat job Mom and Clara.....
ReplyDeleteStill reading, and praying and LOVING all the pictures, especially these recent ones of those chunky cheeks!
ReplyDeleteOh I was so happy to see that tube gone, she's gorgeous ! Will pray for weight gain and meds to go down and stay down. Pulling for you still, Miss Clara!
ReplyDeleteSuch a blessing and miracle.
ReplyDeleteThe Lord has been so good to Clara and HE DOES NOT CHANGE. I have no doubt HE will contnue to shower down blessing upon sweet beautiful Clara.
ReplyDeleteMuch love from Majorca (Spain)
Clara has not only amazed the doctors but all of the readers as well. Clara just keeps reminding us that with prayer, believing and a supportive family EVERYTHING is possible!! Your all in my prayers! Please keep the posts coming, I love seeing Clara's smiling face and hearing about her victories!! Grow Clara, Grow!!!!!
ReplyDeleteListen to your mother young lady! She knows what's best for you! Guys she is soooo beautiful. If her story wasn't imprinted on my heart I would say what a healthy, cute baby she is.....oh wait!! She is...healthy and so, so cute! Thanks for the update! I miss my Clara time!!!!!
ReplyDeleteClara is such a cutie pie. So love to see her smile. I had not looked at the blogg in a while and am so happy to see all the pictures. Love the pictures of her room and family photos. Life is looking good. We do continure to pray for Clara to just be a normal little baby with not big problems. God is so GOOD!
Annette and Randy
What a nice surprise to come home to tonight! I am sooooo happy right now! Love her fishie outfit and matching hair band! So stylish. :) We love you and are happy to keep on cheering for Clara. Way to go girl! :)