I know you're tired of hearing this, but we've been working really hard on spoon feeding. I thought it was appropriate that Clara get her first taste of Thanksgiving, too. Thanks to fancy chef Tyler Florence and his organic baby food line, Sprout, Clara ate sweet potatoes, corn, turkey, pear and cranberries.
Of course, as always, I use the word "ate" loosely. The corn was a bit gag-inducing... she's not quite ready for the stage three chunk. We'll stick with stage 2 for a bit longer....
But she's happy.
And, there's always the traditional Thanksgiving banana, right?
And even a little baby is not exempt from the after-Thanksgiving meal yawns.
She was sporting a precious turkey hairbow today:
Along with this adorable turkey bib made by and sent to us from one of our favorite blog followers, Lindsay!
How could we not be overwhelmed with thankfulness?
We hope to be back at the big reunion next year, and we'll teach you all about Aunt Fran's creamed corn then, Clara. But for now, I'm just so thankful to have spent the day reflecting on how thankful I am for Clara and how much she's taught me about thankfulness the past eight months. Happy Turkey Day!
So many prayers of thanksgiving sent to you this year! Boy has baby food ever come a long way! So glad Clara could enjoy the "traditional meal" ... bet she will be gnawing on a turkey leg for the NEXT one! You are a strong and wonderful mommy and such a blessing to all of us!