February 5, 2011

A Shower for Clara!

I've been a bad, bad blogger.  Sorry for the hiatus.  Quite frankly, I'm tired.  I'm in that third trimester stage now where I just feel huge and it's harder to do my everyday stuff.  Teaching all day + keeping a house running + growing a human is just plain wearing me out.  Add to that the fact that I'm not sleeping particularly well thanks to my continued battle with the vomit-monster and I just haven't had the energy to update.  So, a million apologies to the faithful who have continued to check this site hoping for an update.  Thanks for your prayers and your love and your support.  Updates granted!

First of all, we had a lovely shower for Baby Clara last weekend.  My "Aunt Trina" who was like a second mother to me growing up and her two wonderful daughters, Kathryn and Sarah, who were the closest thing I ever had to sisters hosted an absolutely perfect event.  Need photographic evidence?

I mean, these people know how to throw a party and how to do it right.  I'm so grateful for the love and support of dear friends during such an exciting, but also tenuous time in our lives.  It was really fun to just celebrate this pregnancy and Clara and optimistically prepare for her like any other new life.  It made it very real to see and touch all the "stuff" that was given to us for her.  We can't wait to use it all. 

Here I am with the two grandmothers (who don't look at all like grandmothers, if I may say so):

And here we all are with the hostesses:

While browsing these photos I have discovered that I apparently make ridiculous faces while opening baby things.  I imagine it was something like, "Oh my goodness, this is the cutest, sweetest, tiniest, softest, most adorable thing ever!" but instead it looks more like I was trying to contain some sort of cough/sneeze/laugh/cry and I look silly.  So, here's just a small sampling of the "opening presents" part:

We got lots of super-cute outfits for her to wear:

And books for her to read:

And many other things to feed her with, burp her with, diaper her with, blanket her with, bathe her with, play with her with, and more!:

I can't show every single gift in this blog post, but seriously, it was an incredible display of generosity and love from a community that is eager to welcome Clara and love her well.  The shower was a drop in, so I didn't get a great group shot of everyone there, but here are a few of my favorite ladies who made it out for the special day:

Not everyone gets to be pregnant alongside their best friend, but these two baby girls are due just ten days apart.  It's been so fun to share this pregnancy with Wendi and I look forward to raising our children together too.  Someday maybe they'll  look back at this belly shot and giggle. 

 I also got to have my two baby nieces there for the shower

And some honorary nieces too!:

 Sweet Clara is going to have so many wonderful friends to grow up with!!

Here is my special gift from the hostesses - a white rocking chair, just for Clara.  It looks great in her room and I know that she'll love it when she gets a little bigger.  The thoughtful hosts put two Cabbage Patch Kid dolls in it, because they were my absolute favorite when I was a little girl.  I didn't even know they still made them!  What a sweet and meaningful gift that we will always remember:

So, a big thanks to the Jackson ladies and everyone else who came to help us celebrate this great gift from God!  We are so excited to use all the great things you've given us to help us care for our precious girl.  You've truly brightened our lives.

The nursery is all ready now, so the next post will be the great reveal - stay tuned, patient readers!


  1. chrissy, you look so wonderful pregnant! you definitely have the glow! :) congrats on sweet baby clara...y'all will be amazing parents!

  2. How blessed we are with such special and generous friends! I agree that you are one beautiful pregnant lady... I love you!


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