We've just gotten home from the fetal echocardiogram and Clara's heart is healthy! They were able to see much better this time, since everything is bigger, and got to take a good look at some parts of her heart they were unable to see at our last fetal echo. The cardiologist said that everything looks perfectly normal and healthy and strong at this point. Praise be to God!
She could still develop heart complications after birth. The pulmonary hypertension that accompanies diaphragmatic hernias will potentially take its toll on her heart as well. However, going into birth knowing that her heart is healthy and appears complete and strong means that she will stand a better chance of fighting this. We are so relieved and encouraged to hear this good news along the way and give God the glory and praise that all belongs to Him.
She was also head down today, and although that could change in the next nine or ten weeks, it means as of now she's getting ready for a normal vaginal delivery too. Bring on the epidural.
Next week we have another level II ultrasound at Forsyth Hospital (Tuesday) and our regular OB appointment on Wednesday. The time is ticking quickly now - our little girl is going to be here before we know it.
We've done some more work on the nursery this weekend too, so new photos of that are coming soon. Stay tuned.
Thanks for your faithful prayers. God hears them. He has answered them. We believe He will continue to do so. Please keep praying.
Such wonderful news! We love you guys! <3