August 1, 2023

The Girls are Back in Town

The past couple of weeks have been very quiet around the Hardy house, because the girls have been away at summer camp. As hard as it was for me to be away from them for two weeks, I knew they would benefit from the experience, and they were champing at the bit to go. While they were gone, I've slogged through a lot of the type of stuff one has to do when in my position. Lots of paperwork, filling out forms, cancelling credit cards, gathering documents, all the kind of stuff my brain enjoys least. But thanks largely to caffeine and the incredible support of family and friends, I have managed not only to get out of bed and brush my teeth every day, but to be something approaching productive. 

But after two weeks of executive functioning, I was more than ready to see these smiling faces again when we picked them up at camp:

We got them home Friday afternoon and began the process of de-stink-ifying them and all their camp-ly possessions. Other than unpacking, I planned a weekend of rest and resettling. That night we watched a movie:

Saturday morning we had family snuggles in bed with the puppy and watched cartoons:

Then we had wacky waffles:

Fun was had, junk food was consumed. The Nerds waffles were surprisingly not disgusting! Saturday was full of playing, back-to-school shopping, and more unpacking from camp. We even got our gymnastics bar set up:

Sunday morning we enjoyed going back to church as a family, and then we spent the afternoon/evening having some great quality time at the pool:

I can't express how good it has been to have the girls back after two weeks of plodding through the quiet. These kids are loud and messy and strong and loving and hilarious and wise and so very, very good. Having them back with me has been pure joy, even as we are still feeling the oppressive burden of grief. When we get to the other side of this (and we will), these two will have been the ones who pulled me through it.


  1. Beautiful! But not complete until YOU attempt the gymnastics setup! Let's see your pullover 😀

  2. So very thankful you all 3 are progressing well!! Remember, you have a team out here if ever you need one!!!

  3. It was great to see you at 'home' on Sunday. God bless you all as you face each and every day.

  4. Does my heart good to see lots of smiles and togetherness! 💗💗💙

  5. Grief is a constant companion - it does not go away, but it does change as time goes on. It is a passage, not a place to stay. You and the girls will push and pull one another through the healing process...grateful for the BIG love Chrissy lavished on you all and the beautiful memories to cherish forever!

  6. I’m so glad you are reunited with your sweet girls! And so glad to see those smiles. Love you! Mom

  7. Im so glad they got to go to camp. Im sure in many ways it was healing for the and also gave you some you time. I think of you and girls so often. Yes and Chrissy of course. I know how tall must miss every part of her. Your so loved and prayed over.

  8. Chrissy couldn't be more proud!!
    Loving your children is loving her more!


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