February 6, 2014

The Greatest Show On Earth

Hey people.  This is my excited face:

Wanna know why??  It's because for the FIRST time in my WHOLE ENTIRE LIFE, I went to the circus today.  Oh, and Sweet Mama and Clara came along too and it was also the first circus for either of them. 

And it was fun!

Doesn't it LOOK like fun?!

They thought it was fun, too.

They don't just call it the "Greatest Show On Earth" for no reason.

 And so now I will share far more pictures than anyone probably really wants to see...

I'm not as good at video, but some of this can't be captured at all in stills, so here's a little live action for you too. 

It really is for children of all ages.  And we all three had a great time!


  1. Bet she is dreaming of being the pretty lady on the horse with wings! Special memories to last a life time. I never grow too old for the circus .... or cotton candy! :)

  2. Chrissy....
    What fun!! I do not think that I've ever attended a circus before!! So I am living it vicariously through you!! ;)


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