January 21, 2013

A Jackson-Davis Christmas

When we were growing up, we always had Christmas Eve dinner with our dear family friends the Jacksons.  Now that we're all grown and have moved away (except for me, of course), it's harder to get all of us, our spouses and our kids together.  Still, every Christmas we try.  And this year it was the weekend before Christmas.  Still feels like Christmas Eve.

Trey, Jennifer, Caroline and baby Audrey came to town for the weekend.  Clara was fascinated with Audrey.  She wanted to talk to her, touch her, play with her, hold her constantly.  It was so sweet!

But when baby Audrey was sleeping or eating, Clara was right by the side of her big cousin Caroline.  And whatever Caroline did, Clara wanted to do.

I grabbed some Audrey snuggles when I could; they just don't stay this little and this cuddly very long!

 The kids all got to open a gift...

 And we attempted a group shot with the 2nd and 3rd generations.  Hey, it was the best we could do.

And the grownups, who were trying hard to get everyone to smile for that last shot....

A couple of Jackson family shots.  It was our first year with Baby Jack and next Christmas, Sarah will have a baby to join the ranks!  So fun to watch us keep growing!

One of my favorite traditions is our Happy Birthday Baby Jesus cake.  The kids gathered around to blow out the candles and sing.  I loved watching Clara's face light up.  She was so so excited about celebrating Baby Jesus' birthday and it might my heart soar to see her joy as we focused on the reason for Christmas!  

I love so much about the Christmas season, but traditions like these are among the  most sacred.  So thankful for these memories and looking forward to many many more in the years ahead!  Thanks, Jacksons!

(Last year's Jackson-Davis Christmas is here)


  1. Chrissy....
    Clara is experiencing quite the belly laugh in your family picture!! Love it!! ;)
    A "happy birthday, Baby Jesus" cake!! What an awesome idea!! Blow, Clara!! Blow those candles out!! ;-D

  2. Loved seeing pictures of Clara again, she sure is growing up and y'all are so blessed.

  3. I feel as if I just celebrated Christmas all over again :). What sweet family traditions .... and they do get dearer with every passing year. What precious memories you are creating for Clara Mae. Hope you survive "HIBERNATION". Would love one BIG snow and lots of pictures of her enjoying it! She is growing up so fast ... cherish this wonderful time!


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